Working Dragon Mystic Lair
Lifestyle • Spirituality/Belief • Culture
Teaching and sharing occult topics and methods. with a focus on Self-empowerment and self-mastery. As well as manifesting the life you want.
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August 11, 2024
Reminder, we have a Locals only Discord Channel

we have a Discord channel for our active Locals community consider checking it out here. and read the rules when you join.

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What else you may like…
September 18, 2024
Love and prosperity Apple Nachos

It is surely the season for apples and this quick three ingredient dessert is perfect for such an occasion. Throw in a little kitchen witchery and this treat will help bring prosperity and love to you and your family!

September 03, 2024
Real Paranormal Stories - With Guest Immortal
August 20, 2024
Norse Magick - Basic Ideals, Practices, & Terms

As we start our Norse Magick Lessons I thought I would start with going over some basic terms, practices and ideals of the practice.

September 18, 2024
New seasonal video up!

Please enjoy

September 16, 2024
post photo preview
September 16, 2024

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday. Remember whatever you're doing this week, try to work towards self mastery and self empowerment. Also let me know if you got any plans for the week, what your goals might be. What are your plans? What are your workings you got going?

For me personally, I'm actually going to go ahead and try to do a 24 to 48 hour fast while getting some ritual work done on Monday and Tuesday, and I've got a few more things planned out for the rest of the week that I'm hoping to get done.

We're starting to get into fall here and I'm really looking forward to the fall season. Also remember we have a costume contest going on. Make sure you get your entry in. Entries have to be in before October 28th at midnight.

We will be doing Magickal Coffee Hour tonight, tonight's topic, we're going to be discussing shadow work, beginnings and basics of it. So I hope to see you at Magickal Coffee Hour at 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time and 4:00 PM Pacific Standard Time live ...

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